Friday, May 23, 2008

So far, yet so soon

I can't believe I have to go home. It's weird.
I get waves of panic... and then excitement... and then panic again.
Sometimes I want to go home so bad! I miss my family and friends, and I can't wait to go back and catch up with everyone... but then, I start thinking about how much I love it here, and how relaxed it is, and that's when the panic comes in.

It's strange to think that this has been my home for about 4 and 1/2 months. I have a life here, know my way around town and the city, have grown accustomed to the culture to a certain degree... and in about a week, I have to leave it.

There's still so much I haven't done, and everyday, I think of more and more things that get added on to my "to do" list. I get anxious and nervous when I think about leaving here without having accomplished everything I've wanted to do. At the same time, I want to leave some things un-done, so I have a reason to come back.

Thinking back on these months, I realize that I have been able to see some incredible sights, learn so much history and meet amazing people. I don't know if I have any regrets, but at this moment, I am so content with my experience here.

Going back to the states is going to be interesting. Everything is going to seem so familiar, yet so different. I'm going to miss the nature, and the clouds of Spain. For some reason, the clouds seem so much more beautiful here.
I'm going to miss being able to walk to the beach, and walking in general. I rarely got into a car while I was here... it was hard to get used to in the beginning, but now, after walking for 4 months, I'm ready to keep walking. I'm going to miss siestas, and the idea that taking a nap in the middle of the day is not only accepted, but expected. I'm going to miss my family so much! and my house mom's cooking (of course).

While I'm going to miss all these things, I'm still really excited to go back home, and see what's changed, what hasn't, and how I've changed too. It'll be interesting to see what I see differently now.

But what I am NOT looking forward to: packing. I have no idea how I'm going to fit everything in my bags. People told me about a million times to pack lightly when I left the states in january. Honestly, you don't learn from other people's mistakes. Only you're own. One of the many many life lessons I've learned while abroad.